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How to wear figure 8 lifting straps?
Easy Grip Weightlifting Straps

How to wear figure 8 lifting straps?

Body Reapers has introduced several gym accessories, lifting gear is the one. They're cotton made with 1/4 area thickened to provide grip while holding a bar. There is no hard and fast rule in defi...

ArmsThe Best workouts for your Arms

The Best workouts for your Arms

Multiple exercises can be performed using gym equipment or home training accessories to target arms. One can target specific muscles of arms or whole arm to strengthen the arms, increase mobility, ...

GymWhat are the best workouts to build muscle in your back?

What are the best workouts to build muscle in your back?

Workout is the most essential part of the day, and if you are looking forward to building your muscles with the right frequency, here’s a little guide for you. Building the muscles of the upper bac...

chest pressDoes doing chest press affect your stomach fat?

Does doing chest press affect your stomach fat?

When bench pressing you use your chest, shoulders, and triceps to raise the weight, but your glutes, hamstrings, upper back, and core also work to keep you stable. Using so many muscles means you b...

GymHow to maintain workouts while being injured?

How to maintain workouts while being injured?

Working out and performing your routine activities will be paused if you unluckily meet an accident. But don't you worry, below we'll discuss how to continue your gymnasial mode of life without sti...

Gym10 No Gym Equipment Workouts

10 No Gym Equipment Workouts

You don’t need any workout accessories to start your fitness journey, you can do the best home training without any Workout Accessories. Here are some No-Gym Equipment Workouts to help you get star...